来源:新华社 浏览量:1810 日期:2020-11-10
新华社北京11月10日电 国家主席习近平10日向博鳌亚洲论坛国际科技与创新论坛首届大会开幕致贺信。
XI Jinping sends congratulatory letter to The First Conference of the International Science, Technology and Innovation Forum of BFA
Origin:Boao Forum for Asia Time:2020-11-10 16:11:26 Views:19
On November 10, 2020, Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) convened the Opening Ceremony of the First Conference of the International Science, Technology and Innovation Forum of BFA (ISTIF). H.E. XI Jinping, President of the host country, China, sent a congratulatory letter to the Forum
XI pointed out, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is on the upswing in today's world, bringing about profound changes to human development and offering a new path for solving and responding to difficulties and challenges for global development.
Science and technology should benefit all mankind, Xi stressed, adding that the world is now facing the COVID-19 pandemic and other various challenges, China stands ready to work with countries worldwide to strengthen scientific and technological innovation and cooperation, and push for more open, inclusive and mutually beneficial international exchanges in the area, so as to contribute to promoting the global economic recovery and safeguarding people's health.
The ISTIF, jointly hosted by the BFA and the Macao Special Administrative Region government, will provide an important platform for global exchanges and cooperation on scientific and technological innovation, he said.
XI also voiced hope that under the theme of "Innovation Empowers Sustainable Development," the ISTIF will pool wisdom, enhance consensus and promote cooperation so as to make scientific and technological innovation better benefit people of all countries.
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